C, Comic, abecedarius cycle, by Dan Waber
Captain Danny escapes from Gargantua's hold.
Inside jab knocks lizard-breath, my nemesis, out.
Presidents, Queens, reporters story triumphantly:
Unbelievably valiant warrior, X-Danny!,
yesterday zapped another beast.
Posted by dwaber at
12:33 PM
c, C is for Culinary, by Bob Marcacci, from alphabliss or non-nursery rhymes
C is for Culinary (27k .pdf)
Posted by dwaber at
12:24 PM
C, Pietist Compositions, by Marko Niemi
(reload this page for another view of C)
Posted by dwaber at
01:18 PM
c, Rune 18: Rose Windows for the Cathedral of the Chewed, Scarred and Discarded, by Karl Kempton
C, a 554kb Shockwave Flash file (Need Flash?)
Posted by dwaber at
03:31 PM
c, Six Word Series, for Tom Beckett, by Crag Hill
Cigarette ash falling down your pants.
Posted by dwaber at
10:17 AM