February 09, 2007



my nose




in the dark

my nose




you will find

my nose

in the dark




my nose is a pink moon

you have to

take my word for it

about the pinkness

I mean

it’s dark

but prepare yourself

I must sneeze

I have a cold

and right now

no Kleenex



nothing is beautiful until

I look at the moon

my nose in total darkness




revision is possible

a poem should be

perfect and polished

like a nose

let’s put

our noses to the wheel

our shoulders to the brimstone

the muse will knock and

deliver the pink moon

to our door


in the dark

my nose

simple sneezing moon




imagine if life

was so perfect

like this poem I mean




but there are some words

that didn’t fit back there







the sun

—achingly beautiful—

sets over hilltops


the other side of the world

a nose made warm


—Gary Barwin


Posted by dwaber at February 9, 2007 02:07 PM