Dan Waber’s Curriculum Linktae of Work on the Web
- http://vispo.com/guests/DanWaber/, “Strings”
- http://www.heelstone.com/meridian/waberhyper.html, “Strings Mark II”
- http://epc.buffalo.edu/features/valentine/, “yes, love”
- http://nonfinito.de/oh/, “>>oh<<”
- http://collection.eliterature.org/1/works/waber_pimble__i_you_we.html, “i, you, we”
- http://www.drunkenboat.com/db7/feature-aphasia/waber/index.html, “anomia, for”
- http://www.fieralingue.it/modules.php?name=Content&pa=list_pages_categories&cid=184, “Poet’s Corner - Fieralingue”
- http://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2006/09/issue-one-southern-autumn-2006-ray.html, “Six hay(na)ku” and “Closed Off”
- http://atopiaprojects.org/4.33.html, “poem, for Jim Andrews,” “pwoermd, for Geof Huth,” and “boxes, for Maria Damon”
- http://www.logolalia.com/alteredbooks/, the altered books project
- http://www.logolalia.com/40x365/, the 40x365 project (radio interview (13.6meg .mp3))
- http://www.logolalia.com/minimalistconcretepoetry/, the minimalist concrete poetry site
- http://www.logolalia.com/mailart/, mail art to and from Dan Waber (radio interview (2.8meg .mp3))
- http://www.logolalia.com/cantoos/, The Cantoos
- http://www.logolalia.com/lettrism3d/, un hommage au lettrism
- The First hay(na)ku anthology, three poems
- Palpable Clock - 25 Years of Mulberry Poets, one poem
- The Susquehanna Watershed Poetry Anthology, co-editor (radio interview (9.3meg .mp3))
- http://iloveyou365.blogspot.com/2006/06/eyescream-4-lost-scream-literary.html, Paint The Town READ, an exhibition that was part of The 14th Annual Scream Literary Festival
- http://www.heelstone.com/meridian/waberarticle.html, “Rhyme or Not” essay
- http://www.bigbridge.org/vfwaber.htm, Review of Vernon Frazer’s “Avenue Noir”
- http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?From=Index&review_id=138, Review of Christophe Bruno’s “Dreamlogs”
- http://www.wordpainting.com/paperkitepress/, Paper Kite Press, editor
- http://www.logolalia.com/kitetailpress/, Kite Tail Press, publisher
- http://www.drunkenboat.com/db8/oulipo/feature-oulipo/toward/waber/waber.html, Blogger’s Lament
- Iowa Review (Web) Writing.3D, five by five, and interview
- http://www.nokturno.org/index.php?poeetta=waber, five by five and a series of visual poems translated into Finnish by Marko Niemi
- Boys, A-Z (A Primer), a cycle of abecedarius poems and illustrations published by kite tail press in paperback and hardcover editions
- Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, i, you, we and Strings
- Issue #1 of Epidermis Poetry Magazine, three text pieces
- Sugar Mule’s Anthology of Collaborations, special double issue guest-edited by Sheila E. Murphy, a flirtation of sonnets in collaboration with Jennifer Hill-Kaucher
- Five Million Copies of a John M. Bennett poem sent as mail art.
- On Ginsberg’s “Death on All Fronts”, at the “Death on All Fronts” Special Feature Edited by Halvard Johnson at Big Bridge.
- Writing Through Time at New River Journal
- http://cramer.org/music/caffeine.htm, Artwork and music by Ronnie Cramer, based on a poem of mine that originally appeared in Issue #1 of epidermis.
- http://www.logolalia.com/kitetailpress/archives/003016.html, first adventures of col and sem (lyric narrative punctuation poetry)
- http://vispo.com/bp, worked with Lionel Kearns, Geof Huth, Jim Andrews, and Marko Niemi to bring bpNichol’s First Screening suite of poems from 1984 to a place where they can be viewed by the world again.
- a as in dog, collaboration with Marko Niemi poking a bit of ultra-minimalist fun at Bembo’s Zoo
- http://www.nokturno.org/index.php?poeetta=waber, 12 cantoos translated into Finnish by Marko Niemi
- http://librivox.org/ulysses-by-james-joyce/, the last chapter of Ulysses by James Joyce recorded for LibriVox.org along with Lauren Costanza, Jack Evans, Jennifer Hill-Kaucher, Christa Manning, Kara Riepert, and Cassandra Westover.
- http://www.ecweekend.com/features/story.asp?id=45985, Up Close & Personal interview in Electric City/Diamond City
- http://www.disassociated.com/2007/07/24/five-questions-dan-waber/, 5 Questions at disassociated.com
- http://www.prunejuice.net/testpattern/archives/22, Guns In Loving Memory, solo show at Test Pattern Gallery
- http://www.wordforword.info/vol12/, a sweet of six at Word For/Word
- http://www.nokturno.org/index.php?sivu=241, Homophonic Translations (with Marko Niemi) for Tuli&Savun
- http://www.thing.net/~grist/ld/WABER-BP.HTM, 11 of the (Many) Things I’ve Learned Fom the Work of bpNichol, at the Light & Dust Anthology of Poetry
- http://www.thing.net/~grist/ld/WABERTTA.HTM, bpNichol’s TTA29 Continued, at the Light & Dust Anthology of Poetry
- http://www.foothillspublishing.com/2008/id44.htm, echolalia (FootHills Publshing, 2008), full-length collection of lexical poems.
- http://2356.lokidesign.net/2008/01/four-minutes-to-midnight-issue-nine/, Four Minutes to Midnight: Issue Nine, rubbings made better by Kevin Lo, and, a bit of hope.
- http://www.prunejuice.net/antenna/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/februaryissue.pdf, (pdf file) interview (and poems) in the February 2008 issue of Antenna
- Free Idea Factory, co-founded
- http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol38/waber/index.html, 6 Cantoos for my mother at Other Voices
- http://www.rattle.com/blog/2008/12/self-portrait-with-purple-erogenous-zones-by-david-hage-and-dan-waber/, collaboration with David Hage published in the Summer 2008 issue of Rattle
- 7 by bpNichol from Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer, animated by me in cantoo style, at the Light & Dust Anthology of Poetry
- Winter Anthology at fieralingue, 3 grid poems and 4 tanka
- http://www.landfillart.org/index-3.html, one treated hubcap
- chapbookpublisher.com and Naissance chapbooks, founded
- Regular Expressions as a System of Poetic Notation, originally appeared in P-QUEUE #5, now available in PDF form as part of the Angel House Press Essay Series.
- Interviewed by Michael Humphrey about a short play I wrote, which was produced by Gaslight Theatre Company, and involved text messages sent to the audience as part of the performance.
- Another Tool for Discovering Your Favorite Letter, as discussed by Gary Barwin in Jacket2, and a shout out from the Harriet Blog, as well.
- a kiss, a novel-length hypertext at Drunken Boat 17.
- Here is the talk I gave on Poetry off the Page at the University of Arizona Poetry Center on May 19, 2012.
- Part 1 and Part 2 of a presentation on my digital activities over the past 15 years which I gave at Temple University on Oct. 7, 2013.
email? your favorite word, whatever it may be, at logolalia dot com. Really.
Dan Waber