December 10, 2008
th-th-th-that's all folks...
While you're, of course, always welcome to send mail art my way, I won't be scanning every piece that comes in and posting it here any longer. If you've sent me things since July that haven't been posted here, sorry, there was just too huge of a mountain of things to face. I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of pieces here. I was getting 12 pieces per day from some people, and one or more pieces per day from a bunch of other people, and scanning/posting is a slow process for me.
It became a matter of priorities. I genuinely believe there is a huge value in participating in the mail art network, and I've enjoyed every bit of it, except for this being buried alive under a suffocating mound of work to get caught up on when I lost the ability to keep up with it on an ongoing basis. I haven't sent out a piece of mail art in a year and a half, and the inundation continues, largely unabated. Meaning, it's a suffocating mound that gets higher every day, and my priorities have changed, a lot. It used to be a choice between reading a book, or scanning in mail art. Now it's a choice between being a literacy tutor or scanning mail art. It used to be a choice between making some art of my own or scanning mail art. Now it's a choice between coordinating art exhibits in our gallery or scanning mail art. It used to be a choice between watching a movie and scanning mail art. Now it's a choice between spending time with my new wife or scanning mail art.
I have one or two more pieces that I'd planned to mail out, and will do so. I have one other project that involves mail art that's half-finished, and I plan to finish it. But other than that, I am saying “no mas”.
July 28, 2008
from D.C. Spaulding
25514 Woodward Ave.
Lomita, CA 90717
from Taraka Lee
PO Box 145
L'Pilly, 4068
July 26, 2008
July 24, 2008
from Lee Jackson
32 Chippers Close
West Sussex
BN13 1DF
July 23, 2008
July 22, 2008
July 21, 2008
July 18, 2008
July 17, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
July 15, 2008
from D.C. Spaulding
25514 Woodward Ave.
Lomita, CA 90717
July 14, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
July 13, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
July 10, 2008
July 09, 2008
July 08, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
July 05, 2008
July 04, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
July 03, 2008
June 30, 2008
from Richard Canard
409 S. Emerald Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901