When I first found the work of Clemente Padín, I thought he was a [ new media | hypermedia | digital | multimedia | electronic ] artist.
And he is, definitely, and an accomplished one, at that.
Then I started hanging out with a bunch of visual poets and started buying up some publications and lo and behold, what do you know, Clemente Padín is an internationally reknowned concrete and visual poet.
And a damned fine one, too.
Then I got a little older and started broadening my horizons further and I stumbled into the world of mail art. There I found out that Clemente Padín is an absolute legend in the mail art world.
And deservedly so.
It would not surprise me if, in another couple of years, I discover that Clemente Padín has been leading a secret (to me) life as a world-class jazz musician, or, is revealed to have developed a method of achieving safe, sustainable, affordable cold fusion.
When I talk about minimalist concrete poetry, this is what I'm talking about: